7 Outdated Bag, Shoe, and Jewelry Trends (And What’s In)

Now that we’re officially in spring and summer is basically around the corner, we—the editors here at WWW—have been identifying the trends we’re personally going to invest in for the months ahead. On the flip side, we’ve also been sorting through our wardrobes to uncover the pieces we probably won’t be pulling out due to their somewhat outdated nature. Today, we wanted to specifically highlight the accessories—bags, shoes, and jewelry trends—we’re putting away and the fresh items we’re opting for instead. Of course, it’s always important to remember that you should always wear whatever you love, regardless of what anyone else says.

Below you’ll find more about the items that are in and out for spring and summer. As a preview, you’ll notice a bag trend that one editor is storing away in favor of a more forward silhouette. Keep scrolling to see more, along with shopping recommendations as well. 

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